Unicellular organisms
Unicellular organisms have cellular communication mechanism as well. One hypothesis to explain why complex organisms came about with a delay is due to the time needed to develop cellular signalling mechanism.
Multicellular organisms
mammals, flies and worms have similar communication pathways
Sending signals
Receiving signals
Short Distance Signalling

1) contact-dependent
2) paracrine

Long Distance Signalling

1) synaptic signalling
in nervous system, neurons extend axons to contact distant target cells — the long range is due to the long length of the axons
but the released signalling molecules only act locally at target

2) endocrine signalling
hormones are released into the bloodstream and carried to target far away

Cells have signal transduction pathways to respond to extracellular signals

     Signal transduction: conversion of extracellular signal to intracellular signal (or in general, any type of signal converted to another type)
     Effector: a downstream molecule in a signal transduction pathway —> upstream molecuels have effects on them

Between extracellular signal and the final effector proteins, there are small intracellular signalling molecules or large intracellular signalling molecules. —> both bind to their downstream molecule and change their conformation in some way.

A closer look at the components of signal transduction pathways

Many components of signalling pathways act like binary switches. In order to turn the switch on, it also need to be turned off now and then. Similarly, with signalling pathways, it’s important to activate signalling molecules, but it’s also important to inhibit signalling molecules.


GTP or GDP binding

Protein interaction
Proteins often contain one or more interaction domains. A single polypeptide chain can have multiple folded semi-automic domains that have different properties and binding characteristics.(e.g. SH2, PTB, PH, SH3)

During evolution, domains can be added or switched to alter interactions and re-wire signalling pathways.

How is signalling specificity achieved?

1) Have short range signalling so that the signals can act directly to the local target
2) Synaptic signalling: neurons make connection only to its target cells. Once the links are made, specificity can be maintained.
3) Endocrine signalling: the signalling molecules can only bind to specific receptors on the target cells. The same signalling molecule can act on different cell types as long as the right type of receptors exist on the targets. (e.g. acetylcoline acting on heart muscle and skeletal muscle cells: both cell types have receptors that bind to acetylcoline, but their downstream machinery is different so the response is different)

How is signalling specificity achieved within the cells?
There are numerous pathways interacting with one another inside the cells, so what prevents the upstream signals from activating all the possible downstream targets?

1) Preformed signalling complexes on a scaffold protein:Scaffold proteins assemble the target intracellular signalling proteins ahead of time, and when a signal molecule activates the receptor, the activated local complex is forced to work together to activate downstream signals even if they might be able to activate other targets had they been separated.

* the activation pattern is forced to be: 1 —> 2—> 3 because of their proximity

2) Assembly of signalling complex on  an activated receptor: Signal binding to receptor induces the assemble of intracellular signalling proteins onto the activated receptors —> downstream signals

3) Assembly of signalling complex on phosphoinositide (PIP) docking sites: signal-receptor complex activates local PIPs, PIPs can bring together specific proteins —> downstream signals

How are signalling pathways coordinated?

Combination of different signals can lead to multiple outcomes
Coincidence detectors only activate downstream signals when two upstream signals are both detected. —> One signal phosphorylates one side, another one phosphorylates another.

Organization in space:
primary cilia: some key signalling pathways are found inside these: —> insulating the pathway from the rest of the cell

synapses: insulating the signalling complex

Organization in time:
synaptic signalling: very fast
endocrine signally: relatively slow due to the speed of blood flow

response speed to a signal can be slow or fast depending on the availability of cellular machinery: whether or not it has been built.

Feedback mechanism in signalling pathways
positive or negative —> downstream pathway activated + promotion or inhibition of the loop
positive feedback leads to a long lasting signal, and if it’s strong enough, can become self sustaining so that the system is kept at high activation even when the signal is lost.
e.g. when cells differentiate, signal F and G contributes to the self-sustaining of differentiation

negative feedback: duration of the signal is maintained. If feedback occurs quickly, signalling is suppressed. Allows cells to respond to a range of signal strengths
system can adapt to the activation so there needs to be more activation to boost signal.

slow negative feedback can make the system oscillate. —> the delay from signalling to inhibiting signalling creates the pattern.